Hardcore Hunger: Centered around the Hunger Overhaul mod, this modifier makes hunger a more important and present element than usual.Mode Modifiers: These small mod presets are intended as add-ons to other modes rather than a stand-alone mod setup.Project Flux: The mod selection used in the Yogscast's Flux Buddies 2.0 series.Yogifiers: These modes are made for the Yogscast and their viewers to use.Unlike with base eras, only one "complete" setting may be selected at once. Enabling this setting will also enable the corresponding era's normal setup and mod configuration.

Complete Eras: Each era has an optional "complete" setting that enables additional appropriate mods.Multiple eras may be selected at once, and technically they can also be combined with Eternity modes, although especially the latter is not recommended and can have unintended side effects.